{This and the entries around it are excerpts from my journal, written during the return of my 6 month curse. Approximately every 6 months I hurt myself in some sort of spectacular fashion, usually necessitating a hospital visit. This time, though, the injury was a bit more spectacular than usual.}

Yeah! I made it through the night without a fever! I’m still here. But I’ve been given the assurance that the paperwork is in and all they have to do is yank me clear of my IV and get me my meds and I can go. I’m not really looking forward to the yanking, although I will be glad to finally be untethered of the machines.

Now to worry about the more important thing, how to pay for all of this. Gargh. I hate my crappy insurance, but it’s better than nothing!

There sounds like a sleeping dragon outside my window. It looks like a courtyard that could hold a dragon. Huge granite carvings and old bricks surround a sunken stone courtyard filled with shade trees, all which shake subtly to the immense sounds of air being sucked in and flowing out.