Torredor Problems, Stendhal Syndrome

Torredor Problems, Stendhal Syndrome

Just in case it wasn’t obvious, I am a humongous nerd. So humongous, in fact, that I’m going to start this article out with a reference to a specific race of creatures from a LARP I play in (a LARP?! Oh the humanity!).  So, fair warning.  Now on with the show… In the...
Can someone die from a belief? Nocebo effect part 2

Can someone die from a belief? Nocebo effect part 2

Yesterday we discussed Nocebo responses, such as what happens when someone feels that they’ve been cursed or given a medical death sentence.  But how can a feeling, a belief, cause your death?  Surely that isn’t actually possible? Unfortunately it seems that it is....
Well I feel like a creeper

Well I feel like a creeper

Today I started handing out my cards.  See, the plan for this site is to have real stories – but my own experience is limited.  Thus, I’m trying to find people who want to share their own stories.  To do this, I made cards.  On the front of each card is the line “You...