I am incredibly excited because sometime tomorrow my brother and my father will be inhabiting the same metropolitan area as me!* 

So not only will I get to see my family (I really am a homebody at heart and the only bad thing about Seattle is just how far away I am from my family), but they’re bringing all the remaining stuff of mine that I left in storage.  Books!  Desk!  Decorations!  FOOD PROCESSOR! 

I will have to find room for it all, but I won’t have to pay $60 a month for storage any more. And there will be no more of the where-the-heck-is-that-thing-I-really-need-that-thing-oh-heck-it’s-in-storage-several-states-away-and-there’s-no-freaking-way-I’m-buying-something-I-already-own. 

But I’m also excited because of the chance to show people all around town.  Strangely enough, I really enjoy playing tour-guide/event planner (Hear that Seattle-ites?  I will plan your stuff.  That’s right.  Stuff.). Some of it will probably feel like a little kid showing their parents around their school on an open house night, complete with pulling them excitedly around town by their shirt sleeves, but I just want to show them all the cool things I’ve found.  The only thing to remember is that some of the stuff that I think is really cool (Dusty Strings, Hugo House, etc.) I don’t think would be very entertaining to others.

But yay!  I am looking forward to political discourse, good natured teasing, adventurous spirits and thoughtful discussions.   Oh yeah, and someone maybe willing to buy me dinner.  Whoop whoop!

*I mean, they’re coming to visit me.  But when the wordiness fairy strikes none doth stand in her way.