Personality is such a big part of our lives that it’s probably not that unusual that the psychological community redefines it every couple of years. Although sometimes the “new” personality definitions (complete with tests, quizzes, and classes ready to be put on at seminars and company retreats across the globe) seem to get a little overwhelming.

But I like trying to figure out my label as much as the next person and after reading this very interesting article on introversion,, and how it affects individuals in a society heavily catering towards extroversion (like America’s) I decided to see if I could find a test to tell me just how introverted I was.

The best one I found was here although the result was an interesting answer:

I’m a O93-C89-E53-A74-N4 Big Five!!

Apparently I’m neither introverted nor extroverted, but fall squarely in the middle of most people in my age group who have taken the test. Luckily, according to the test, I’m not that neurotic although I don’t think of others quite as much as I should…