It’s that time again folks!

That’s right..

Seattle graffiti time!  I have so many pictures this time… thank you to all my friends who put up with me stopping unexpectedly in the street and taking pictures.

This one was huge, and looks like it was entirely done in spray paint.

Awww, don’t cry!
Only dapper walkers allowed here
Sign says: From all day To end of time
Agreed sidewalk
Bus graffiti in Seattle is surprisingly educational
Hey!  What did you say about my bike shorts?
Hard to tell, but these are little astronauts at the base of a building
Some people just get straight to the point
This.. this looks like a contract.  On a wall.  I really wish I
knew the story behind this one.


These re-purposed postal stickers are everywhere and I LOVE them.
You’re right sticker.  How did you know?

This is the saddest garbage can I have ever seen in my life.

And here, ladies and gentleman, we end with a swarm of stickers.